
Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Tips to lock folders without any software

Tips to lock folders without any software

In office environment, they provide shared computers to their workers. So the workers can not be able to protect personal as well as confidential files from co-workers. If you want your system to protect accessing from others, then lock your files. Nowadays many number of software’s are available for this purpose. But you can also be able to protect the system without using any software. Simply create a locked folder in your computer and you will have a key to unlock the locked folder. Here I have given the ways to lock your folders. 

Step 1: Create a folder in any drive. For example I have created a folder and named it as work.

Create a folder

Step 2: Then create one text file in the same drive. Copy and paste the below code and save it as lock.bat.
ren work work.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-08002B30309D}

lock folders without any software

Step 3: Create another text file. Copy and Paste the below code and save it as unlock.bat.
ren work.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-08002B30309D}work

lock folders

Step 4: Now you can see two batch files lock and unlock. If you click lock.bat file then your original folder contents can’t be viewed. If you click unlock.bat file then original folder contents will be viewed.


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